
level O ┊ 803 words ┊ ◄))

Fairy Tale (fiction)

Mateo’ s life is turned upside down when his mother remarries and he finds himself at the mercy of his unkind stepbrothers. At their urging, Mateo is forbidden to attend baseball tryouts when the Little League coach comes to town. With some help from his fairy godmother, however, Mateo attends thetryouts and becomes the team’ s next star pitcher. Cinderello is a delightful retelling of the classic fairy tale Cinderella. The book can also be used to teach students how to compare and contrast and the proper use of possessive nouns. The book and lesson are also available for levels I and L.


Level OLiz-html

Deep in the Ocean

2018-8-21 20:15:39

Level OLiz-html

Bigger Than a Monster Truck

2018-8-21 20:15:37